Freitag, 14. November 2014

Finally weekend!

Wow, what a week. Again. The price you pay for being reliable German engineer... A lot of tasks end on your desk...

Yes, you are right, there are still the pictures due I promised last weekend. So I am not so reliable after all.... In your eyes at last... It was a tough week, sorry. Here you go. The cake was not too bad after all, I just needed to cover up its ugliness with chocolate/nutella. I think that's a valid way to do so. After all, taste matters.

Dark chocolate and nutella. They should make a dark nutella. My 2cents.

During the week nothing special happened, we just went out with some guests and customers for dinner. Oh yes, and yesterday there was a car wreckage on the street. Actually nothing special, but this one my driver said was suicide bomber whose car did not make it to the final destination, the mall. I am wondering whether I should be worried again because they start to blow themselves up again here.... Seriously guys, get a hobby which is not killing you. They really should start drinking here, then they can drown there hate and sorrow in alcohol. Worked for us Europeans quite good.

Here are some more pictures of some streets where I pass through sometimes in order to stopp for a falafel breakfast or buy some grocery on the way home.

In this street I actually faced something very sad. There was a small kitten sitting in a corner, one half inside a potato chips bag. It looked very bad and sick. Nobody cared for it, the other cats also ignored it.

The other cats tried to take down some birds but failed. One cat even thought it is a wise idea to try to get that one rooster chicken. Well, he never been so wrong. Ever seen a cat running away from a chicken? I have seen it now :-D

This is also quite interesting. Egyptians love to "decorate". Well, it is better they do, otherwise eveything would look like shit there. Anyway, this is a way to get a bit of color in the usually brown /grey everyday life. Many of the Egyptian cars are actually covered with stickers and decoration. A lot of them use German number plates to decorate the cars or "Exxon Mobil", "Hankook", "Shell"stickers. It is also hilarious to see, that they use the breakdown triangle in there windscreen upside down... They really have no idea for what it is actually for. Let's have a look at this shop here:

Although the advertisement/decoration (Kitkat) and (Maggi [soup sock]) actually suggest, that you have some kind of grocery store here, you can only find some bread and fruits. Same goes for every other shop you will find here, The signs on top will only tell you the true nature of the store in about 75% of the cases. Why? Nobody cares. Welcome to Egypt!

But now my morning coffee is empty, I am looking forward for an awesome weekend again. Let's get this started!

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