Sonntag, 12. Juli 2015

Pictures from Company Iftar

I promised pictures from the Iftar celebration we had with the company some days ago.

What's up?

Hi, just to keep you guys posted on what is happening in Egypt recently. Last weekend I was at the beach again. This time I stayed for the night at the hotel to enjoy two complete days there. I even went diving and enjoyed it. I will finish my licence as soon as I can. It is kinda difficult to do this though if you can only come there every now and then. But I will defiantly will finish.

This weekend I was out in Cairo for a pub crawl with some other expats. Great to see some new places and learn something new about Cairo again.

That's the view from the "Pour Vouz"-Rooftop bar in Zamalek. Next weekend I ll try to go to the Conrad Hotel on the other side of the Nile for some entertainment.

On Saturday, rude awakening when I heard that attacked the Italian Consulate with a 400kg car bomb. State of Sinai (IS-related) claims responsibility. Italian consulate is one block from the bars.

More information here (also one video)

So long, see you soon!

Samstag, 11. Juli 2015

How to manage all the different visas and stamps in your passport

Not sure if it's only happening to me or if our border control guys are just incompetent, but they usually take minutes going through my passport to find the correct stamp and visa. Then they just push the new stamp somewhere else and let you pass.

[sample picture]
In order to speed this procedure up, I started to "bookmark" the most recent stamp. For example right now I this bookmark on my Egyptian arrival stamp from some weeks ago. When I leave again, it can be found again quickly and I can proceed much faster. I also put a smaller bookmark to my current residence visa, as the other two are expired and keep confusing the genius border control officers.

What do I use for bookmarking? Just a simple paperclip. Do not write or stick anything adhesive in your passport! This can void your passport (depending on country of issuing and border post).